Thursday, October 8, 2009


He did it again!

a rant by Jack McCutcheon

Obviously, there's no use me posting show notes because Jasper's going to tell whatever tale pops into his head when he sits to talk. Unfortunately, I must post show notes in order to schedule the broadcast, but by now we should all know not to rely on what is posted.

Next, don't even ask why the first rendition completely disappeared into cyberspace. Everything was set up as before and done identically, but BlogTalk's program garbled the audio and we had to do it all over an hour later. That one took and is now archived along with the first episode. Needless to say, Jasper was pissed, but then he's always riled about one thing or another so I'm used to it.

Anyway, maybe the web radio gods think they're going to deter us from doing our thing, but they are mistaken. Like naive waifs, we will continue hooking up every week to broadcast our drivel because we're too stupid to know better. If it takes, great. If not, then we'll keep doing it until it does, and I will live with Jasper's wrath... like always.

I must agree with him that it's very annoying when the stupid BlogTalk warning blurts out that the broadcast will end in 90 seconds, and then 30. Like we can't see the damn time and wrap up the program without their help. With all of our griping, I have to wonder why anyone would show up to hear the show. Then again, maybe that IS a good reason. You can listen to us overcome all the challenges the stupid program puts before us.

Jasper said next week will be about Margaret and Patricia's anniversary party. If you want to believe him, go ahead. As for me, I've learned to expect nothing from him. As long as he shows up to record something, anything, I consider myself lucky. Regardless of what he tells, I have yet to be disappointed.

So, bring it on, Jasper, and radio gods, do your worst. We can handle it.

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