Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saving the Pumpkin

Nearly Flawless

by Jack McCutcheon

Jasper's third broadcast is said and done, and done with no glitches... best I recall. So, now we finally have an idea of how sweet life can be for Jasper in the duplex. Next time, if he does what he told me, we'll hear of another one of Margaret and Patricia's parties. Yes, of course, it's a Halloween party, but this time Jasper nearly screws everything up.

Looks like our poll is about to expire. As of this typing, twelve hours remain, and then I'll analyze the data to determine if one more question needs to be asked. Hmm... let's see... roughly a thousand visitors to the Jasper page since poll began... seven of whom voted... I think I know the answer to question number two, but I'll probably ask it anyway.

Think you have this figured out? I suspect you do, because I believe most of our listeners think like we do. Tell you what, tell me where you think we're going with our two programs. Use the comments field to this post. Correct answers will get a PDF of Jasper's classic book, I WAS TORTURED BY THE PYGMY LOVE QUEEN, shipped directly to email (that exchange of info will be done privately through emails not associated with this blog).

Oh, my! The intrigue is killing me.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


He did it again!

a rant by Jack McCutcheon

Obviously, there's no use me posting show notes because Jasper's going to tell whatever tale pops into his head when he sits to talk. Unfortunately, I must post show notes in order to schedule the broadcast, but by now we should all know not to rely on what is posted.

Next, don't even ask why the first rendition completely disappeared into cyberspace. Everything was set up as before and done identically, but BlogTalk's program garbled the audio and we had to do it all over an hour later. That one took and is now archived along with the first episode. Needless to say, Jasper was pissed, but then he's always riled about one thing or another so I'm used to it.

Anyway, maybe the web radio gods think they're going to deter us from doing our thing, but they are mistaken. Like naive waifs, we will continue hooking up every week to broadcast our drivel because we're too stupid to know better. If it takes, great. If not, then we'll keep doing it until it does, and I will live with Jasper's wrath... like always.

I must agree with him that it's very annoying when the stupid BlogTalk warning blurts out that the broadcast will end in 90 seconds, and then 30. Like we can't see the damn time and wrap up the program without their help. With all of our griping, I have to wonder why anyone would show up to hear the show. Then again, maybe that IS a good reason. You can listen to us overcome all the challenges the stupid program puts before us.

Jasper said next week will be about Margaret and Patricia's anniversary party. If you want to believe him, go ahead. As for me, I've learned to expect nothing from him. As long as he shows up to record something, anything, I consider myself lucky. Regardless of what he tells, I have yet to be disappointed.

So, bring it on, Jasper, and radio gods, do your worst. We can handle it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 7 or 8

This week's broadcast is a live rendition of Spinal Therapy Part Three, where Patricia gets me on her chiropractic table for some manipulations and electrified muscle stimulation -- to my back side and front side.

If you want to (and haven't yet) listen in on my original recordings of Parts 1 & 2, they're posted to a secret web page here:


Don't forget, if you want to hear my live broadcast, you must go to my Jasper McCutcheon page at and make a friend request, so I can approve you for adult content. That's the rules and we all must play by them. Otherwise, you cannot get to my show page for the live broadcast and accompanying chat room, but you can hear the archived, after-the-fact recording here on the Jasper McCutcheon blog over in the right column.

Here's the North American broadcast times:

Eastern: Thursday, Oct. 8 at 1:30 am
Central: Thursday, Oct. 8 at 12:30 am
Rockies: Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 11:30 pm
Pacific: Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 10:30 pm

And that, as they say, is the proverbial that.

Don't forget to vote for your favorite Jasper Radio subjects over in the right hand column... anonymously, of course.

Yours truly,
Jasper McCutcheon

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jasper's Grumble

It should come as no surprise that Jack is highly pissed-off at me for changing the story of MY first episode, but I had a point to make -- I don't need or want him writing my scripts. Don't plan to tell tales he wants to hear on nights he wants to hear them. No, it's my show and I will plan each episode as I see fit.
Here's the truth of it. That Margaret and Patricia story occupies a special place in my heart and loins. One of those "I want to remember it just as it was" situations of which I have no desire to record again for better or worse, and so, I pulled a switch and told an unrelated tale.
Jack got his message, and you got (I hope) a bedtime story enticing enough to motivate your fingers.
Too bad you couldn't hear it live, not unless you were on the Jasper McCutcheon friends list at BlogTalkRadio. Fortunately, you can hear the archived broadcast on the player over there in the right-hand column under the "About Me" text.
Seems the adult content version of BlogTalkRadio has some extra stipulations for listeners that I missed. If this info is in the set-up instructions, it's tucked away somewhere difficult to find or see, and so I now must state very clearly the procedures required if you want to listen to the broadcast as it is happening.
Once you've registered and logged into BlogTalkRadio, then you should go to the Jasper McCutcheon page here:
Next to my profile picture is a link that says "Add to Friends." Click it. They'll send me a message and I'll approve you, and then when the next broadcast comes up you will be able to see and open the episode show page. It'll show you access to the chat room and the episode player, plus it will tell you how long before we go live and give you a phone number for if you want to call in on the show. Don't call in, because I don't take calls until my story's over. If there's time remaining in our thirty-minute slot, and you're on the line waiting, I'll try to take the call.
I guess we should be accustomed to this by now. Those of us who want to talk about or listen to or watch sexual content must go through numerous obstacles in order to protect ourselves from the narrow-minded, and so we won't transform some innocent kidderink into a tongue-wagging fiend.
Fair enough. Any questions write to me at my email on Next broadcast is Oct. 8 at 12:30 am Central U.S. time. Meanwhile, as promised in the first episode, here is your secret link for the first two original (and therefore sacred to me) mp3 recordings of the Margaret and Patricia story.
The final part of my M & P tale will be our next live program on BlogTalkRadio. Show notes will be posted, and this time, accurate. No tricks, because Jack has assured me his lesson was learned.
Yours truly,
Jasper McCutcheon